Hebei Shunxino lmpor and Export co. iod is a company speclalizino inthe sales of chemica raw matenals, Revino onits own aovantageous 0eooraonical ocation aneresources, it mainly deals in the folowing chemical raw matenials: butanediol, pentylenediol, hexanedio,pharmaceutical grade prpylene glycol,food grade propyleneovco. diprovlene alvcol. dioropvene aivcol dipropvlene owco. boc anhdride. ditert bubyl dicarbonate.m-xylene. ethyl fomate, dimethyl sufoxide, ethylacetoacetateazodisobutyronitrle,Nmethylpyroidone, ethylene glycol buyl ether, ethylene glycol methyl ether, pyridine, HPMC, celulose acetate tow, and other chemical rawmaterials, as wellas vaious fne chemicals, spices, essence, food The research and production of additives and intermediates have formed a product chain with manyvarieties, large scale, high degree of refinement and technical content.